Our inspiration
We have two disabled sons - Mason and Matthew, and a daughter, McKenna. Play for a disabled child is one of the most important aspects of therapy and interaction with others and a way to engage with the environment around them is crucial to their development and quality of life. When my wife and I set out to find a place for them to play, a place where play is integrated with their siblings and other children, a place where they could go and not feel any different from other children - we quickly learned there was no place like that within at least 50 miles. Our first instinct was to purchase equipment for our own backyard, but we then came to the realization that we are not alone in this – many other families in Western New York are facing the same gap in their children’s lives. And so began Mason’s Mission.
Our vision - an all inclusive space for children and adults
The park benefits more than just our family, and more than just special needs families.
All children, not just those with special needs, can use all the equipment. We're creating a playground where none otherwise exists – adding to the quality of life of all WNY families. Disabled other adults can use the equipment, too. So wheelchair-bound parents can still enjoy a day at the park with their kids!
our mission for WNY families:
the erie-niagara region needs a special needs access playground. and we're building it.

the park of our (your) dreams
Check out photos here of events, updated renderings, and park construction in progress, and other photos from our efforts